CO-EL has been designing, manufacturing and installing industrial metal
detectors since 1990. This type of machine finds application primarily in food production companies. The share of revenues realised abroad is still
marginal. The awareness of having a high quality product prompted CO-EL to launch an internationalisation-oriented project. In particular, the
subject of the application for contribution is CO-EL's participation in
Interpack 2023 and Cibus Tec 2023. The focus of the marketing strategy towards these two trade fairs is consistent with the production cycle:
metal detectors are installed both in the process phase (Cibus Tec) and in the packaging phase (Interpack).
The target countries of the project are the main countries of the European Union: Germany, France and Spain.
The homogeneity of the three target countries is given by their membership of the European Union, their substantial cultural homogeneity tradition of the Old Continent, and their geographical contiguity. The
product object of the internationalisation project is the Metalim metal detector for the food industry. The great flexibility of the Metalim
system makes it capable of being installed on practically any production line. |