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Sell Metal Detectors


Every Image displayed refers to an installation made by Coel for it's clients.
Click on the images for more info.

Textile industy. TUNN-AL metal detector for checks on neck ties. Research of clippers, needeles, copper wires Food industry. Industrial metal detector for quality controls on bread and sweets Ichthyic industry. Industrial Metal detecor TUNN-AL for HACCP controls on fish and ichthyic products
Image 1: Textile industry Image 2: Bakeries Image 3: Ichthyic industy
Produzione metaldetector industriali
Dairies industry. Industrial Metal detector for checks on cheese and mozzarella Settore caseario e formaggi. Industrial Metal detector TUNN-AL for grated grana cheese Fresh pasta production. TUNN-AL industrial metal detector for HACCP quality checks on fresh pasta
Image 4: Dairies Image 5:  Control of Grana cheese Image 6: Check on pasta
Produzione metaldetector industriali
Dairies. Metal detector TUNN-AL for HACCP controls on cheese and mozzarella Pasta production. TUNNAL Metal detector  for HACCP controls on fresh pasta Bakeries. Metaldetector Tunnal-AL: quality checks on frozen and fresh bread
Image 7: Dairies Image 8: Control of fresh pasta Image 9: Bakeries
Produzione metaldetector industriali
Food industry. Metal detector on sloped conveyor for amaretti Metal detector for ice creams and frozen products Control of honey jars. Industrial TUNN-AL Metal detector
Image 10: Checks on amaretti. Image 11: Frozen produts and ice creams Image 12: Honey jars
Produzione metaldetector industriali
Pasta production: metal detector for quality checks on fresh pasta Metaldetector for grissini and other dry products Metaldetector for pharmaceutical industries
Image 13: Packed pasta Image 14: Grissini and other dry products Image 15: Pharmaceutical industry


Metal detectors alimentari

